Software Testing is a testing-focused challenge designed to inspire the creative and dynamic generation of tech professionals to put their skills to the test. So, waste no time, unveil your capabilities, exhibit your talent and keep the competitive spirit high! Students and professionals will be evaluated on separate ground.
Which competition to register for?
- Student: Register for this competition only if you are in your final year or are a fresh graduate with up to 6 months of working experience.
- Professional: All testers with working experience of 6 months or more can register for this competition.
Test Structure: The test will comprise of the following categories (for both students & professionals):
- Requirements Analysis
- Database Assessment
- Logic Building
- App Testing
- MCQs
- Bug Hunt
- The competition will be onsite at 10Pearls, all participants are required to bring their own laptop and charger.
- Internet connection will be provided to all attendees.
- You are required to install Web Browsers (Chrome/Firefox), MS Office (Word/Excel/Visio), Screenshot capturing tool (paint/snaggit/or any online tool), and any code Editor (VS Code/Visual Studio/IntelliJ).
- Total competition time is 3 hours.
- Participation is on an individual basis; you cannot register in a group